


满分150分 考试时间:120分钟

第 I 卷

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


1.How does the man know Greg?
A. He is in the same class with Greg. B. He met Grey in Sweden. C. He teaches Greg physics.
2. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. Use a different plug. B. Buy a new television. C. Try to repair the old television.
3. What does the man think about the new airport?
A. It’ s far away. B. It’ s noisy. C. It’ s crowded.
4. What kind of morning meal does the man prefer?
A. A simple meal. B. A sweet meal. C. A large meal
5. Where are the speakers?
A. At a supermarket. B. At a flower shop C. At a drugstore.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What will the woman do for Thanksgiving?
A. Work at a store. B. Go to her grandparents’ house. C. Attend a festival in the evening.
7. Why does the man refuse the woman’s offer?
A. He doesn’ t want to cook.
B. He will be out ofenergy
C. He received an invitation elsewhere.
8.Why did the girl switch language classes?
A. Her class was too easy.
B. Her mother asked her to do it.
C. Her interests were in another language.
9. Which language is the boy trying to learn?
A. Spanish. B. German. C. Italian.
10. What will the boy probably do to practice what he is learning?
A. Speak to his relatives. B. Listen to the teacher. C. Study the class material.
请听第8 段材料 , 回答第 11 至 13 题 。
11.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Father and daughter. B. Tourist and guide. C. Reporter and explorer.
12. What was the most difficult part on the mountain according to the man?
A. The ice was dangerous. B. The snow was deep C. The rocks were small.
13. How long does it take most people to climb up and down the mountain?
A. 6 hours. B. 12 hours. C. 15 hours.
14.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. An activity. B. A person. C. A problem.
15. What happened two weeks ago?
A. The woman bought a dryer.
B. The dryer started to work poorly.
C. The company fixed the dryer.
16. How much did people use to pay to use the dryer perfectly?
A. $2. B. $3. C. $4.
17.What will Joe probably do first this afternoon?
A. Check the dryer. B. Replace the dryer. C. Repair the dryer.
18.Who would be on the top of the tower probably?
A. Women. B. Men. C. Children.
19. How many people were in the largest tower?
A. 10. B.14. C. 40.
20. What is the purpose of the event?
A. To celebrate teamwork. B. To show strength. C. To break a record.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。


For kids and many adults, a San Diego vacation means theme parks and other attractions. Before heading to a park, call or check its website for updated hours of operation; many parks have seasonal or holiday hours. Ticket prices listed here are for general admission, single-day use only.
Sea World San Diego
A 6-minute ride called Journey to Atlantis, which is to open in late May, tells the legend of the island nation. After the ride of Greek fishing boats, folks can visit a new exhibit of dolphins, which has not been on display at the park since 1998.
DETAILS:General admission is$46.95 for adults,$37.95 for children aged 3-9, free for children 2 and younger.1-800-380-3203 or www.seaworld.com .
San Diego Zoo
There’ s not much in the way of new attractions. The zoo has a new panda cub, Mei Sheng. Nighttime Zoo, a program popular with families, starts on June 26.
DETAILS:General admission is $21 for adults,$14 for children aged 3- 11,free for children 2 and younger.
1-619-234-3153 or www.Sandiegozoo.com .
Maritime Museum of San Diego
The HMS Surprise, the 18th-century British warship featured in the film Master and Commander, is on exhibit through Nov.30.
DETAILS: The ship is available for tours from 9 am to 8 pm daily.Admission is $8 for adults,$6 for seniors and children aged 13- 17,$5 for kids aged 6- 12,and free for kids 5 and younger.1-619-234-9153 or www.sdmaritime.org .
Old Town Trolley Tours
Visiting relatives or friends in San Diego? They can get a hometown pass and ride for free with your paid admission.
DETAILS: The main ticket booth(售票厅)is in Old Town at 4010 Twiggs St. Hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, daily $25. www.historictours.com .
21.If you want to enjoy the performance of dolphins, you should go to
A. Sea World San Diego B. San Diego Zoo
C. Maritime Museum of San Diego D. Old Town Trolley Tours
22. If a couple visit San Diego Zoo with their children, one aged 3 and the other 2,the admission will be
A. $35 B. $49 C. $56 D. $70
23. It can be inferred from the text that
A. San Diego Zoo will attract the largest number of children
B. Visitors could enjoy some stories about the island of Atlantis
C. tickets during the holidays are more expensive
D. the film Master and Commander can be seen in Maritime Museum of San Diego


My parents lived to be ninety-three and ninety-four. Mother lived longer and kept her mental sharpness until a few days before she died. Dad suffered from dementia(痴呆) probably for the last six months of his life. It’ s hard to say how long because his dear wife knew how to cover his forgetfulness or sometimes strange behavior up for him.
There were times, however, when mother became totally frustrated with the changes she saw taking place and she would blame him for doing things on purpose just to make her angry. He loved juicy fruit gum, but she kept it hidden from sight and rationed(定量供应) it because he could chew five or six sticks in an hour and ask for another package. “I have to watch him like a hawk.” she said.
Even though they lived in an assisted-living facility, my father would not bathe himself and would not let any staff person help him. So mother adjusted his shower temperature, washed his back, brought him a dry towel, and helped him dress. With her heart failure and the need for oxygen full time, this chore wore her out, both physically and emotionally. Then he started getting up in the middle of night. He would go into their bathroom, which was actually a part of their bedroom, turn on all the lights, and shave. Mother could not convince him to return to bed until he finished. As a result, mother couldn’ t get enough sleep at night.
I don’ t have any answers that might have made their last months together any easier. Since they were very private people, sometimes it was hard to know what was really going on. When I stopped by their place, mother would talk nonstop as usual and daddy would smile a lot, like what he used to do. I took along food they enjoyed to them, like smoothies or milkshakes. Mother loved orchids and they thrived under her care so she usually received one for any special occasion. Daddy would often let me brush his “angel hair”, as mother named it, and I might help her fasten jewelry
All of these little things were ways to say “I love you”, but we didn’ t often discuss some of the truly important issues related to my daddy’ s declining health. I tried to respect their privacy and treat them with the dignity they deserved. I think they both tried to protect me, their daughter.
I guess that’ s what parents do.
24.The writer didn’ t know much about her father’ s dementia, because
A. she didn’ t visit her parents much.
B. her father hid his conditions carefully.
C. her father’ s conditions weren’ t serious.
D. her mother kept her father’ s dementia a secret.
25. What the writer’ s mother said in Paragraph 2 shows that
A. her mother was very strict with her father
B. her mother had to pay full attention to her father
C. her father liked eating juicy fruit gum very much
D. her father often made her mother angry on purpose
26. Seeing her father smile a lot, the writer
A. found it unusual B. knew he was pretending
C. considered her father normal D. wanted to talk nonstop with him
27. What can we conclude after reading the passage?
A. The writer’ s family isn’ t filled with love.
B. It’ s not easy to care for someone with dementia.
C. It’ s hard to say the writer cares about her parents.
D. The writer knows how to make others’ lives easier.


The Great Barrier Reef’s outlook remains “very poor” despite coral recovery over the past year, Australian government scientists said Monday, just days before a UNESCO ruling on the site’ s world heritage status.
The United Nations cultural agency recommended last month that the world’ s largest reef system be placed on its endangered list because of damage to the corals largely caused by climate change.
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) said the corals were now in a “recovery window” after a decade of harmful heat stress and cyclones(旋风). But such opportunities were becoming rarer due to the influence of climate change, the government agency, which has monitored the reef for 35 years, said in its annual report released today. “The increasing emergence of climate-related extreme weather events and starfish outbreaks is causing more severe and frequent pressures, giving the reef fewer opportunities like this to recover,” CEO Paul Hardisty said. The scientists surveyed 127 reef sites in 2021 and found hard coral cover had increased at 69 of the 81 locations surveyed in the past two years.
Separate scientific research released last October found the 2,300-kilometre(1,400 miles) system had lost half its corals since 1995, with a series of ocean heat waves causing mass coral death.
Britta Schaffelke, research program director at AIMS, said the latest findings provided a slight hope that the reef still has the power of recovering. But she added that its future is still very poor because of the dangers of climate change and other factors that are affecting the reef.
UNESCO has urged Australia to take urgent climate action but the government has long resisted calls to commit to net zero emissions by 2050.The government has said it hopes to meet the target“as soon as possible” without harming its economy, insisting dealing with climate change requires a global effort. The reef was worth about US $4.8 billion a year in tourism for the Australian economy and there are fears that an “in danger” listing could weaken its tourist appeal.
28.What is the major cause of the damage to the corals?
A. The climate change. B. Too many tourists.
C. Over development. D. Lack of money
29. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?
A. The result of the survey. B. The efforts AIMS has made.
C. The slight chance of the recovery. D. The terrible situation of the climate.
30. What is Britta Schaffelke’ s attitude towards the future of the reef?
A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Intolerant. D. Anxious.
31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A. Australia wants to put the reef on the endangered list.
B. The Australian government has ignored UNESCO’ s demand.
C. Australia hopes to keep a balance between emission target and its economy.
D. The Australian government refuses to take its share of responsibility of climate change.


A group of blue-faced birds step through the grass shoulder to shoulder, red eyes looking around. They look like middle schoolers seeking a cafeteria table at lunchtime. Perhaps they’ re not so different.
A new study, led by Damien Farine, an ornithologist who studies collective behaviour, shows that vulturine guinea fowls of eastern Africa, like humans, have multilevel societies. In the past, scientists assumed such social structures required a lot of brainpower. But the pea-brained guinea fowls are revealing the faults in that assumption.
These large birds wander across the landscape in packs, often walking so closely that their bodies touch. They may fight each other to maintain their strict hierarchies(等级制度),but at other times they engage in friendly behaviours like sharing food.
Suspecting the guinea fowl might have a social structure, Dr. Farine and his colleagues began a thorough study of their society. For a whole year, they made daily observations of 441 birds. Coloured leg bands in unique combinations let researchers tell the black-and-blue birds apart. They also attached GPS devices to the backs of 58 birds, which let them see exactly where every group went, 24 hours a day.
The findings of the research suggest that vulturine guinea fowls have a multilevel society. There are groups within groups within the population as a whole. There even seem to be groups of friends within the small groups. This is the first time anyone has observed such a society in a bird.
And Dr. Farine emphasizes this particular bird’s tiny brain size. “ They don’ t only have small brains relative to mammals; they also have quite small brains relative to other birds, ” he said.
According to him, living in this kind of society might actually make it easier to keep track of the social order. For example, if groups are stable and a bird can identify just one or two individuals within a group, it knows which group it’ s looking at — no need for a brain that can recognize every single animal. Multilevel societies also let animals adjust their group sizes based on whatever challenges they’re facing. Depending on what enemies or resources are around, it might make sense to travel in a combined group rather than a smaller one.
“Having a multilevel structure may not require having a large brain,” Dr. Farine said. There may be more birds and other animals out there that, although small-brained, have multilevel societies as our own.
32.According to the passage, what inspired Dr. Farine to carry out the study?
A. The guinea fowl’ s social behaviour. B. Previous assumptions about birds.
C. His interest in animals’ brainpower. D. The faults in earlier research.
33. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A. The research subjects. B. The research methods.
C. The research findings. D. The research equipment.
34. What can be learned from the passage?
A. Complex social systems can be a disadvantage to guinea fowls.
B. Guinea fowls are good at recognizing individuals in a group.
C. Birds maintain the social order by travelling in combined groups.
D. Small-brained animals can form multilevel societies.
35. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To present the findings of a study of the guinea fowl.
B. To explain the interaction patterns in multilevel societies.
C. To introduce a new approach to observing the guinea fowl.
D. To uncover clues about how complex societies are formed.


How to Handle an Anti-climax(扫兴)
Many of you work tirelessly towards your goals. You may achieve a good marriage, publish your first book or purchase your first home. 36_ Here are some steps you can take to manage and even prevent the feeling of a bit of a letdown.
It may feel like a bit of old-fashioned but appreciating the process you’ re taking along the way instead of fixing on the outcome can be freeing. 38__ Instead of rushing for it, take a moment to enjoy the doing. Then, acknowledge the small wins as the stepping stones toward your goal to rest on. Celebrate each new one. Look back and enjoy how far you’ ve come from the first one, and look forward to the many in front along the way.
Expect the comedown.
Anti-climaxes are just as common as post-holiday blues. If you are aware of a potential upcoming anti-climax, you can limit the impact on your mental health. 39__ You can consider planning some time with friends and family, attending a concert or even a cooking class. This can act as a reminder that other aspects of life can be just as fulfilling.
Normalize the experience.
When you don’ t feel as you expected, it can be confusing and feed into feelings of low mood, confusion, and self-doubt around anti-climaxes, which actually many people experience.
40__ If so, you will definitely feel less isolated with your own emotions. And in turn, there is a great chance that you can acknowledge the small steps and victories that you might have ignored along the way.
A. You may even reach the finish line of something bigger.
B. First,slow down a little and realize joy comes from the doing.
C. However, the achievement of these may make you feel anti-climactic.
D. One possible way to normalize your feeling is to engage with friends with similar experiences.
E. Focus the sustained progress.
F. Enjoy the journey.
G. Schedule an activity to look forward to soon after the event has been finished.

第三 部分 英语知识运 用 ( 共两节 , 满分 45分 )

第一节 完形填空 ( 共20小题 ; 每小题1 . 5 分 , 满分 30 分 )

Pam Bales, an experienced hiker, stepped onto snow-covered Jewell Trail. The hike up the lower part of Jewell was 41 . But less than an hour later, the weather was showing its teeth. Bales began to think about calling it a day. Then she noticed something: a single set of 42 in the snow ahead of her. She’ d been 43 unclear tracks all day and hadn’ t given them much 44 , because so many people climb Jewell Trail. But these, as a volunteer of the Valley Search and Rescue Team, she realized, had been made by a pair of sneakers, which was surely not for this kind of trail.With icy wind screaming 45 ,darkness was just 46 away. If Bales continued to follow the tracks, she’ d add 47 to the journey. But the tracks 48 meant someone might be in trouble. She could not let this go. She silently scolded the 49 hiker for breaking normal safety rules and 50 to walk carefully in the direction of the tracks.
After about tracks to 30 yards, she rounded a comer and saw a man sitting 51 . He wore tennis sneakers and a 52 jacket. She checked him for any sign of 53 . There was none. Bales had been trained in search and 54 and knew that he was hypothermic(体温过低的) and would die soon if he didn’ t get out of there. The man said he had lost his way and was extremely cold. Bales brought a pair of soft-shell pants, a winter hat, and a jacket from her pack. She helped the man 55 the warm, dry layers onto his body and offered him some hot cocoa. Slowly he stood up. Bales offered continuous encouragement to the man—“Keep going! You’ re doing great.”Just before 6 p.m., they arrived at the trailhead very exhausted. Her climb up to the spot where she 56 the man had taken about four hours. Two hours had passed since then.
A week later, the president of Bales’ rescue group received a letter in the mail. It read:“On Sunday October 17, I went up my trail, Jewell. 57 was to be bad. But without thinking too much I was dressed to go in a hurry. Next thing I knew this lady was talking to me, changing my clothes, making me warmer. She just kept 58 me. Finally, I learned her name was Pam. The entire time she treated me with compassion( 同情心), confidence, and one hundred percent 59 … ”
In the nine years since she saved John, Bales has become something of a hiking legend. It’ s a(n). 60 she never sought or wanted, but one she certainly has earned.
41.A. tiring B . unforgettable C. enjoyable D. boring
42. A. clothes B. tools C. gloves D. footprints
43. A. recording B. following C. covering D. leaving
44. A. response B. expectation C. thought D. hope
45. A. violently B. heavily C. softly D. gently
46. A. miles B. periods C. hours D. minutes
47. A. information B. risk C. interest D. pain
48. A. above B. ahead C. behind D. beneath
49. A. absent B. brave C. greedy D. modest
50. A. denied B. insisted C. struggled D. urged
51. A. still B. lively C. lonely D. existent
52. A. bright B. common C. thick D. light
53. A. power B. life C. injury D. loss
54. A. assistance B. medicine C. teaching D. rescue
55. A. pick B. pull C. dress D. carry
56. A. treated B. observed C. located D. protected
57. A. Chance B. Sight C. Health D. Weather
58. A. comforting B. encouraging C. instructing D. praising
59. A. demand B. devotion C. offer D. order
60. A. title B. fortune C. opportunity D. option



Mr. Lee used to be a barber and had a 61 (satisfy) job. But three years ago, he suffered from a terrible accident because of a truck driver’ s carelessness. The crossroad was very busy, 62 (particular) at rush hours. Mr. Lee had a close encounter with death and the accident had a profound effect on him. Thanks to his outgoing personality, he didn’t lose heart. He felt it his mission 63 (make) people obey the traffic rules.
After recovery, Mr. Lee applied 64 a post as a traffic policeman but got refused, because he wasn’ t qualified to do the job. But he 65 (allow) to be a temporary worker. Mr. Lee signed the contract, but now doesn’ t earn much. Every day, Mr Lee takes up his place in the street 66 (direct) the traffic. Some 67 (passer-by) who take notice of him feel very strange, but with time going by, they take 68 for granted that Mr Lee does this. Sometimes, he helps the elderly or kids cross the street and they are grateful to him for his help. He also requires everyone to obey the traffic rules. In response to his work, people 69 often pass by the crossroad never break the rules. In practice, the death toll here 70 (drop) to zero so far.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
The other day, some of my classmate and I took a bicycle trip along the People’ s Road, where was specially built for people to relax. The scenery along the road was fascinating, with trees, flowers, hills and lakes on either sides. We stopped by a lake for a rest, where a good many of people were playing happily. But something unpleasant catch our attention. There was rubbish here or there, and there were many plastic bags and bottles floated on the surface of the lake. Such beautiful place was so serious polluted. What a shame! In the end, we couldn’ t help collecting the rubbish after we left.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,你校正在组织英语演讲比赛。请你以“The Most Respectable Person in My Life”为题, 写一篇演讲稿,介绍你身边的人,内容包括:

  1. 人物简介;
  2. 尊敬原因(至少两点)。
  3. 词数100左右;
    The Most Respectable Person in My Life
    Ladies and gentlemen,


The Most Respectable Person in My Life
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am Li Hua. Today, it’s my great honor to make a speech about the most respectable person in my life.
My Chinese teacher, in her forties/aged about forty, has been teaching Chinese for over twenty years since her graduation. Not only is she expert at teaching the Chinese language,but also she is amiable to everyone,always
wearing/with a big smile on the face.
One major reason why I respect her is that she treats every student equally, regardless of his strengths or weaknesses. In addition, I adore her for the considerable encouragement that she has ever offered me, thanks to/with which I have made
great progress.
Finally, what I want to say is that if one wants to be respected and loved, he has to be a pleasant and devoted person.
Thank you for listening!



Text 1
M: You see that guy over there? Doesn’t he look familiar to you? I can’t figure out where I know him from.
W: That’s the new kid, Greg, from Sweden. He sits behind you in physics.(1)
Text 2
W: My television stopped working yesterday. I tried to plug it in somewhere else, but the screen is still black.
M: You have a very old television.It’s not worth repairing.(2)
Text 3
W: This new airport is going to make my life so much easier. I’ll no longer need to go to the crowded city airport.
M: But I think the planes will keep me up at night.(3)
Text 4
W:I try to eat healthy for breakfast, but I just love foods with sugar. I eat sweet bread every other day and a few eggs in
M:I eat a big breakfast of vegetables and chicken,(4) but I eat very little during the day.
Text 5
M: Morning roses, summer gardens …there are shelves full of products for women but nothing for men. We
like to smell fresh as well.
W:I think there is a shelf for men’s products over past the food section.If there isn’t,you can try the drugstore.(5)
Text 6
W: What are your plans for the holiday? Would you like to join me at my grandparents’house?(6) There is a festival
in the morning and then we have a big dinner.
M: Unfortunately, I have to work. Thanks for the invitation, anyway.
W: The store is open on Thanksgiving?(6) I thought it was a national holiday and most places had to close. M:Well, we prepare meals for people who don’t want to cook. There is a big list of orders.
W: Will you be working all day? You could come afterwards.(7)
M: No.I work from 4:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m.,butIwill be exhausted afterwards.(7)
Text 7

W:I’m so glad that I decided to switch classes. I was doing very poorly because I wasn’t interested. Spanish is so much better for me.(8)
M: Really? I thought you liked the German class. I wish I could switch, but my mother won’t let me. She says I have to learn how to speak to my relatives in Italy.(9)(10)
W: I forgot that you go to Italy every summer. Don’t you enjoy speaking to them?
M: Yes, but the class covers really basic material. I just sit there bored in the class.
W: I wish I had that problem. I struggled through the homework.
M: It’s all about practice, but I find it hard to practice when I am not challenged. If I want to get better at speaking, I will
need to do it outside of class by speaking to someone fluent.(10)
Text 8(第11题为推断题)
W: I can’t believe how big that mountain is.
M: That’s Matterhorn. When your mother and I first came here to Switzerland, we climbed all the way to the top. W: I didn’t know you had experience in rock climbing. Wasn’t it dangerous with all the ice?
M: We had a mountain climbing guide to make sure we were safe.’The climbing wasn’t even that bad. The worst part
was walking through all the deep snow.(12) Tl hat took a lot of energy.
W: How long did it take to get to the top?(13)

M:I remember reading that the average trip takes about six hours to climb up, and about the same to climb down. (13) We took our time to be careful, though. I think we spent about 15 hours up there.I needed to stop many times for a break. I was an annoying customer for that guide.
W: Would you go again? I bet we can find a friendly group going up there.
M: No, thank you. I was in much better shape when we went last time.
Text 9 (第14题为总结题)
M: Good afternoon, this is Mike with Wash-N-Dry. How can Ihelp you?
W: Hello, I’m the manager at 909 Chestnut Street. T The dryer in our apartment building isn’t working well.(15)
M: I’m sorry about that. We’ll fix the problem right away. Before I send someone out there, though, I’d like to ask you a few questions.
W: Go ahead.
M: OK. How long has the dryer been acting up?(15)
W:For two weeks now.(15)
M:Can you describe what’s wrong with it?
W: Ye:s. The clothes used to dry perfectly with $2.(16) Last week, we had to use $3 for the same amount of clothes. This week, we have to use $4.
M: Oh, that’s bad! Do you know which dryer it is?
W: Just a second… I’m almost at the laundry room.Let me see.. Ihave to remember which one is broken… Yes, here it is.It’s the fourth dryer in the row. Here’s the number. J-4-8-9-L-W.
M: Thank you.I’ll send Joe over this afternoon. He’ll take a spare dryer in his truck, in case he can’t fix yours.(17)I suspect that something is blocking the air flow.Anything else, ma’am?
W: No, that’s it. Thank you.
Text 10
When I was a little boy, my grandfather told me that our family came to America from Spain. His favorite thing to talk about was a traditional event called“the human tower” .It’s a physical challenge that’s done during the annual festivals around Barcelona.. The goal of the event is to build up layers of people to try and make a high tower.(20)The people who are on the bottom are often the largest, so that they can hold everyone else.(18) Participants stand on each other’s shoulders, so it’s important to think about who goes on each level. N Men, women and kids all participate in building the tower,(18) so there are many different ways to build. The event involves everyone in the area, too.Anyone who is not involved in building the tower has an important job, though. The audience all crowd around the tower and hold up their hands to try and break the fall of any person who loses their balance.This stops anyone in the tower from getting hurt.
Traditionally, the human tower has four people on each level.The world record for the largest human tower had 10 levels,(19))but the record is not why people do it.. The point is to bring the community together.(20)

  • 标题: 高2021级英语试卷(一)
  • 作者: 晨曦
  • 创建于 : 2022-12-13 08:59:53
  • 更新于 : 2024-06-23 05:21:11
  • 链接: https://blog.xuchengxi.tk/2022/12/13/dc/高2021级英语试卷(一)/
  • 版权声明: 本文章采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 进行许可。